Welcome to slide. Unscramble a puzzle of numbers or even letters to spell out the given word. Slide plays like any standard slide puzzle.
Slide simulates a slide puzzle. A slide puzzle is a grid of squares usually 3 by 3 or 4 by 4. In the case of a 4 by 4 grid, there are fifteen squares and one blank space allowing the piece of the puzzle to slide around. The goal of any slide puzzle is to take the jumbled up picture and rearrange it in the propper order. Slide allows the player to do this using simple keyboard commands. The game has full screen reader support as well as text to speech for those not using a screen reader.
To Set up the game, run the slidesetup.exe file you downloaded. Your setup will give you information both with spoken feedback, and text prompts. Follow the instructions and install the game. You can launch the game from both the LWorks program group in your start menu, or from a shortcut on your desktop.
The main menu in Slide contains the following.
After upgrading, the menu looks like this.
When you select your game mode, the game will randomize your grid and you can play. Use your arrow keys to navigate around the grid. The current square will be spoken. Your goal is to unscramble the grid so that your grid is in order from top left to bottom right with the empty square being in the bottom right. To move squares, you may hold down the shift key to drag a square in the direction you want. You can only drag squares ajacent to the empty space so that the square you are dragging fills in the previously empty space. This will cause the empty space on the grid to swap positions with the newly moved square. The game ends when your grid is unscrambled.
In Letter mode, you can also press f1 to hear your word again. Part of the challenge is having to figure out how a word is spelled so the word letter by letter is not given.
You can press escape to go back to the menu. You can also press alt plus f4 to close the game at any time. Finally, you can use page up and down to adjust the music volume.
If you encounter any technical problems using the game, please e-mail support@l-works.net. You can also reach us on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/lworksgames. Find Other games at http://www.l-works.net
Thanks to the following People.
This is the end. Now go solve some puzzles!